Mapfry Team
Jan 7, 2025
Vitamin for your brain

Analysis experts love to point out the Feeling as the enemy of good decisions

That's more of a sales pitch than a truth.

In it, a “problem” is created to then offer its solution.

Which may be some advanced analytical process backed by state-of-the-art systems and data, blah blah blah.

Impossible to resist isn't it?

Try to explain this to those who grew their business using the Feeling.

O Feeling Alone is a problem for professionals who need to justify their investment decisions to stakeholders.

People who invest their own capital learn the hard way how important it is to follow their instincts and protect themselves from traps.

Do you know that butterflies in your stomach?

It is well-founded.

So much so that many people consider the intestine to be our second brain.

Possessing neurons, the so-called enteric nervous system has autonomy in relation to the central nervous system and may disagree with it.

And what is the role of analysis?

Decision and investigation, in that order.

The idea that you must first investigate everything thoroughly until, if something good appears, then thinking about investing is paralyzing.

Analysis paralysis or paralysis through analysis is an expression that describes these cases.

She talks about situations in which the decision-making process is long and slow, as it takes into account numerous factors and possibilities with the ambition to arrive at the perfect solution.

Freud explains, but underneath that paralysis there is a great fear of making mistakes.

While people who invest their own capital are the biggest victims of their mistakes and also the most benefited by the right ones, executives work with inverted incentives.

A wrong choice, even if well-founded, can be forgiven, while a right and ill-founded choice, even if it generates profits for shareholders, can be criticized.

Hence the benefit of protecting yourself from negative scenarios with analysis and more analysis.

Another point is that the maturation process of Feeling It is made up of experiences, so moderate risks should be taken at the beginning.

You don't want to see yourself instinctively extinct.

As in the saying:

Someone can win multiple times and lose everything at once.

When you find yourself faced with an opportunity, it soon becomes clear that other people may also be aware of it.

Speed is a key factor in business, an opportunity must be secured before others can turn the dispute into an auction.

At such moments, it is essential not to act on impulse, in order to preserve your analytical exemption.

Here is the balance between Feeling and the analytical process.

Whereas the Feeling it's fast, the analytical process works slower.

But it's perfectly normal to combine the two in short cycles at the start and deepen the analysis with more time.

Mega-investor George Soros works like this, Invest and Investigate or invest and investigate.

You need to know yourself and your business environment to decide.

Whatever your method, everyone knows the danger of making decisions without prior reflection.

In the end, it will be you who will live with the consequences of your choices, so it is essential to take control of your decisions.

We're here to help you choose better among the possible options and have an excellent relationship with your choices in the future.

It's not about getting it right, but being prepared for the most likely scenarios.