The arrival of new technology always brings excitement and expectation, but it can also awaken our darker side.
The secret kitchens, DArk Kitchens, were celebrated during the periods of Lockdown.
Some restaurants migrated entirely to the format, others opened kitchens for delivery only.
Right here on the Mapfry Blog they were the subject of a series of articles:
Dark Kitchens, commercial operations with no façade, focused entirely on deliveries
Description of the new trend.
Step-by-step to identify a point for a new Dark Kitchen
Ways to publicize your Dark Kitchen
Today, we began to live in an accommodation with the novelty and its not so good consequences, such as the impacts on the neighborhood, the lack of sanitary inspection and the treatment intended for couriers.
Who resumes the article Midnight Marketing You will notice that the recommendation for Dark Kitchens did not act as clandestine operations.
Opening the kitchen in videos for social networks is a way to show the public all the care taken in preparing meals, as well as the working conditions there.
This could even be a seal on the apps, “open kitchen”, with a link to the posts.
Some Dark Kitchens were installed in essentially residential regions, bringing to these places an uncomfortable dynamic of deliveries arriving at dawn, an intense flow of couriers, doorbells, exhaust fans, practically small factories.
Those who chose points like this are at risk.
There is always a part of the most degraded neighborhoods that would benefit from the activity, without causing inconvenience to the neighbors and still being able to invest in the revitalization of that space.
As we pointed out in the article In Search of the Blind Spot:
“Evaluate the areas where auto repair shops, auto parts, laundries, pet stores, disposable items, clothing rentals, tattoo studios, curtain and blind stores, clothing sewing, glazing, bicycle maintenance, motels, and cheap hotels are located”
It seems that the logic of Dark Kitchens of the first generation was limited to delivery time.
This should change as society becomes aware of the impact that a quick order has on the lives of others.
The entrepreneurs who migrated to das Dark Kitchens celebrate the fact that they can concentrate on the kitchen, without having to occupy themselves with a lounge, with waiters, decoration and utensils.
Not so much my dear ones, the delivery man is the new waiter and he is being very poorly cared for.
This is reflected in the attention they can dedicate to deliveries and customers.
As Dark Kitchens, Dark Stores and the like need to evolve to become aware of their surroundings and their role in the city.
This hidden store profile, closed in itself, doesn't work when the business depends on a high flow of couriers and employees.
It is necessary to have a structure to accommodate the impacts that the business brings.
As Dark Stores of the future they must consider their neighborhood in their projects, either improving the environment of the regions where they are going to settle or minimizing the impacts on the daily lives of those who already live there.
Some extra tips:
Takeaway - Even the very dark kitchens, who only fulfill orders for delivery, can explore the moment when the customer is going to pick up the product.
This opportunity can be used to build a new relationship with him and humanize the business.
Takeaway customer service can complicate the operation of a Dark Kitchen, but which can be minimally adapted for those moments.
Sense of community - the predatory stance of occupying a space only commercially, turning their backs on the community is limiting, as more and more neighborhoods have acted with a sense of empowerment.
#bylocal #compralocal
Integrate with the community by participating in street events with Food trucks or Stands, place your brand in social places such as squares, Get out of the hole.
A lot of people complain about the commercial policies of the apps, with Some restaurants going bankrupt.
This risk is reduced when you are part of the community.