Mapfry Team
Jan 7, 2025
A New World Starts Now

The start of the pandemic triggered a shopping rush: protective masks, alcohol-gel and toilet paper!

They were scenes of consumers fighting for burdens, empty shelves, and a sense of general strangeness.

“Is there something going on that we don't know yet?”

“Does anyone buying toilet paper know something I don't know?”

“I should take a little longer just in case.”

Now, months ahead, we see that a trend remains, families continue to concentrate spending on basic items:

These changes can be better understood when we turn to the famous pyramid of needs created by the psychologist Abraham Maslow.

It is curious to know that he came to her while researching the meaning of life. In his observations, he can see that our expectations grew as basic aspects were met, in this order:

Physiological needs: food, shelter, water.

security: I am sure that my physiological needs will be met in the future.

Membership: human beings are gregarious and want to be recognized by their groups.

Estimate: feeling that I am special to those who are important to me.

Maximum potential: to be all that you can be, to evolve in the direction of your dreams.

In practice, we experienced a return to the base of Maslow's pyramid. If before the crisis we spoke of purpose for brands, at this moment we feel our very existence being threatened.

Family ties, friendship, the house, and grocery shopping were the possible stepping stones during the days of social isolation.

It is precisely social isolation that separates the top steps, Belonging, Esteem, and the search for Maximum Potential.

The shock that this crisis is causing to world civilization has yet to be fully designed, but it certainly goes up and down the Maslow pyramid.

At this moment we suffered a forced descent to the lowest steps, whereas before we lived in search of the highest ones.

Belonging itself had been achieved by more and more people building their Esteem on social networks, an overexposure of the best Lifestyles.

We are betting on a resumption of climbing the pyramid, with more importance attached to Belonging and to a lower Esteem online.

On the other hand, Maximum Potential has never been so virtual, with an accelerated transformation of work and education to the digital environment.

Do you want to learn the piano? Take an online course.

Do you want to work in a large company? It will be online.

The place you love the most now can be your home, without having to give up personal growth.

The house returns to the center of importance, where the pantry is located, where your family members stay, and friends go to it.

Apparently we had been neglecting it a bit. Every day housing formats were emerging that valued life outside the home more than inside, such as Co-living And the Nano apartments.

We know that the tendency to reduce housing comes from the reduction of families and the emphasis on other types of membership, but the question remains:

Will this trend continue?

Ahh or Happy Hour! That magical moment when the boss ceases to be a pain, we socialize with our colleagues, and maybe even flirt.

The teams worked together, were under pressure together, celebrated together.

What will this type of Belonging be like in an era of Home Office?

Where will the group spirit be, that typical human gregarious feeling.

What about Estima?

How she is left without the table in the window, the seat at the head of the meeting room, the stage.

What will be the prominent elements in the midst of the group to which we belong?

On a computer screen everyone occupies windows of equal size.

These are issues that inhabit our thoughts as we undergo the greatest transformation of society in decades.