Mapfry Team
Jan 7, 2025
What is the cost of a Geomarketing platform?

Geomarketing Price“is among the most searched terms on Google, right after What is Geomarketing and Geomarketing Platforms.

There are many possible answers.

In general, those who find the prices of Geomarketing platforms are faced with prohibitive values.

The feeling is that of the song Caviar, famous in the voice of Zeca Pagodinho.

Nunca Vem Nou Comi/Só Ouço Far

Why can the values be so high?

  1. Businesses can't wait and big companies can afford it.
  2. Do people still associate Pay more with a better solution.
  3. Those who try to do it differently will find that it is more time-consuming, difficult, and expensive.

For these and other reasons, it is worth paying the prices that classic tools ask for.

By preferring to keep prices “under request”, companies create space to explore the maximum price.

In other words, the more you need or have to earn, the more they can charge for it.

This is the strategy of Pricing by DOR, yours in this case.

Someone might argue that “on request” pricing is also a way to hide the pricing strategy from competitors, but why be afraid of competitors?

Most of the time, hiding the price has to do with the complexity of a product.

As in the case where the Boeing tries to preserve its negotiating criteria:

“Disclosing price information is dynamite,” says Paul Stanley, the company's lawyer.

The simpler and more objective a solution is, the more transparent its pricing policy will be

Mapfry works with PRICING BY AMOUNT, the prices increase as we deliver more to you and not to the extent of your need or urgency.

Level of service

  1. Large companies have complex purchasing processes that rely on high-level sales teams.
  2. Longer sales cycles, with customers dropping out along the way, end up throwing all the revenue expectation onto those who actually buy.
  3. Service or Customer Success teams supporting various levels of analysis.

In short, you pay a higher amount for the service you receive, not just for access to the system.

Here, Mapfry differentiates itself by offering the most sophisticated service through a network of certified and independent consultants.

Consultants' connections are with clients, and the main advantage being able to hire a package of services tailored to professionals of their choice.

On the other hand, this implies additional costs to the prices shown, which may reach amounts even higher than those charged in the System+Services format offered by traditional companies.

Look at this service reference table of our advisors.

The price of classic tools is higher because they are also more expensive

Older technologies require expensive licenses and engineering teams to integrate them.

Oracle is perhaps one of the oldest companies in the entire history of modern computing.

Especially when dealing with legacy systems, which have often undergone “patches” and updates, without necessarily resolving that old technical debt from the past.

Even Google, which is so common in our daily lives, can be very expensive when integrated with commercial solutions.

Google increases Google Maps prices by 14 times.

The changes made to the price list may mean increased costs, especially for those companies that base their business model on the extensive use of services related to Google Maps.

It should be noted that traditional technologies or Google deliver great results.

Especially because the oldest technologies were created for services where precision requirements were always very high, such as aircraft navigation, ship monitoring, satellite launch, mapping of farms, forests and endangered species, and warehouse management.

Mapfry is built entirely from most modern technologies, decoupled from the commitment to very high precision, so their operating cost is lower to the point where we can offer a completely free plan.

Our previous experience in hundreds of projects gives us the confidence to say that a good Geomarketing study should not precisely indicate the point where the store will be opened.

If the study pinpoints the hottest block, or even the region of the city with the most potential, you'll have done a great job.

After identifying the best neighborhood or block, the study will guide a field visit and That's where the decision will be made.

At the end of the day, the most accurate Geomarketing tool is still the sole of the shoe.

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Example of areas with greater potential.

The quality of the databases

Our geo-demographic databases are built by experienced professionals who have led teams in the largest Geomarketing companies.

We are able to arrive at even more reliable and easily verifiable results, after all our system is open with a completely free plan.

It can be difficult to compare the information provided by the tools or even measure their quality.

Here is a comparison method:

  1. Mapfry offers a free plan, create your account;
  2. Some companies offer trial periods in cities chosen by them;
  3. Compare Mapfry data with those of those companies in those cities;
  4. Other companies only do demonstrations, without you having direct access to the systems;
  5. Request a demonstration and ask to access the same cities;
  6. Compare information between Mapfry and other companies.

You can also prove the quality of the information provided by Mapfry by verifying our data in the places where you are most familiar.

This superior quality could even be reflected in a strategy of Premium price.

Turns out, we believe that market data constructed from official sources shouldn't exclude those who need it most.

Like the IBGE itself declares on the 2022 Census website:

The data resulting from the censuses can be seen as a valuable public asset, which must be properly disseminated in order to enhance its use by society.

Real intelligence

There are many artificial intelligence offers that will decide for you where your new business will be.

Mapfry uses artificial intelligence resources to build statistical models and geo-demographic bases.

We believe that good analyses will come from the experience that analysts provide with their unique eye.

Our goal is to facilitate this process of identifying opportunities as technology partners of those who actually make it happen, you.


Current solutions charge a high price for services that you may not even need and that were created for purposes other than Geographic Intelligence analyses.

Innovation is an unpredictable process, it's not always about more power and greater precision, sometimes it can come from simplification, better usability, and lower costs.

Think about the impact that Whatsapp had on the giant telephone companies and you will understand the role of Mapfry in relation to classic tools.

Now you know why the future of Geomarketing has begun

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