Mapfry Team
Jan 7, 2025
Business Geography Books

Geomarketing books and why you should read them

Geomarketing is all around us, but we don't see it.

Pharmacies, fast foods, shopping centers, language courses, coffee shops, university chains choose their points with this resource.

Still, little is known about the rules used for these decisions.

Mapfry's purpose is to reveal this mystery with a simple and accessible tool.

We offer a rich set of data for the analysis of markets and commercial outlets.

This is a trademark of our time, access to information is increasingly easy and cheap.

But none of that still solves the question of how to use that information.

True value comes from the analytical power that transforms this content into useful strategies for a larger objective.

To help you with this discovery, we put together a list of books organized in order of complexity, starting with the simplest:

School Geomarketing by Bolso

Publication of João Eduardo Caetano, professor of Geomarketing at USP/Esalq and ESPM, founder of Mapfry and professional with experience in various projects.

Its pocket format is light in the way the content is presented, a simplified language with strong practical sense.

Although the work covers examples related to the location of schools, it can be fully used for other segments.

Marketing Administration

Written by the Guru Philip Kotler, this book is essential for every business professional, covering several central aspects, especially the presentation of the Marketing Mix, the 4Ps.

Price, Product, Promotion, and Square (from English) Place = Location)

We will see how location is a marketing pillar and why it should be part of any strategy.

Where there's a need, there's an opportunity. Kotler

The City: a Global History

Geomarketing takes place in cities, in a world that continues to become increasingly urban.

Good analyses consider the prospects for the evolution of cities, their future.

That's why it's so important to understand your past.

What is there in common between all the cities in the world, from the beginning of time to today?

What else changes in modern cities, what doesn't change, and how can we think about them in the future?

Economic History of the City of São Paulo

After understanding the central concepts of a city, let's dive into the history of São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America and one of the largest in the world.

We will see how São Paulo evolved from a village to a megalopolis, moving its industries to the suburbs to give way to residential growth, accommodating new residents and their businesses.

The Wealth at the Base of the Pyramid

Cities are great generators of wealth, but they also concentrate a lot of poverty.

Those who are going to work with Geomarketing must understand the possibilities of doing business with all its inhabitants, not just the richest.

That's what makes Prahalad's book so important, it points out ways to show how companies achieve success by working with the realities they encounter.

The Rise of the Creative Class

A new class of workers emerges with the knowledge society, situated between the working classes and the capitalist elites, they are the information operators that drive the modern world and dictate new rules for how to live and live in cities.

Understanding this movement is essential to anticipate which places will prosper and which will decay.

The World Is Flat

The forces behind the social transformations accelerated by the pandemic were anticipated in this 2005 book.

Understand how the migration of workers to smaller cities due to remote work, international collaboration in professional networks, complex logistics chains, dissemination of information through cell phones connected to the internet, and other pillars, form the infrastructure of the knowledge society.

Retail in Brazil

Professor Juracy Parente's classic book establishes parameters that are still valid today for the management of retail chains and successful practices.

Location, Location, Location

Another very practical classic that covers basic concepts of validating commercial points, competitor analysis techniques, and the analogous method for estimating sales.

Location (Still) Is Everything

A review of the importance of location in a digital world.

Essential for those who want to keep up to date.

Market Research for Shopping Centers

We tried to concentrate the book recommendations in Portuguese, but the compilation of studies for different types of shopping centers in the United States, organized by the International Council of Shopping Centers, gives us the dimension of the aspects considered for the opening of centers, which is why it is so essential.

Demography and Economy

In the 200 years of Brazilian Independence and scenarios for the 21st century

From the important professor José Eustáquio Diniz Alves, together with Francisco Galiza, they bring an essential work for understanding Brazil from the perspective of its population structure.

Your video conference backshelf will look amazing with these works.