Network expansion methodology is the subject of a Mapfry¹ course
(1) Exclusive for Professional and Personal plan subscribers
If you are interested in learning the ways that lead a chain to grow from its first store to a national one, you need to participate in this course.
There will be 10 meetings covering the entire expansion journey, from the initial plan to the selection of ideal spots in each region:
Why expand?
- Course program
- Motivations to grow your network, methods, and risk analysis
- Deliverables
Geomarketing Concepts
- Central Place Theory
- Pyramid of Needs
- Commercial attractiveness
Expansion strategies
- Logistic restriction
- Understand your business
- Geographic DNA
Expansion plan
- Expansion Map - list of eligible cities
- Dividing the city into market areas
- Selection of locations
Commercial Point Assessment
- Commercial Point Analysis
- Estimated performance of the new unit
How much is a Merchant Point worth?
- Positive aspects of a point
- Accessibility, Visibility, and Neighborhood
- Point trading
- Types of contracts
- Value of gloves
Marketing for market segments
- Audience profile analysis
- Lifestyle identification
Expansion and sale of franchises
- Career path
- Most important competencies
- Structure of intelligence areas for expansion
- Internal processes
Exploring Growth Opportunities
- Growth techniques applied to network expansion
The Geomarketing Consultant Career
- Job opportunities
- Capturing customers
- Executing projects
- Independent consultancy
Considering that this is an exclusive course for subscribers to the Mapfry platform, the classes are programmed to provide an unprecedented practical sense.
First dates are available to everyone.
Why expand?
- Course program
- Motivations to grow your network, methods, and risk analysis
- Deliverables
Geomarketing Concepts
- Central Place Theory
- Pyramid of Needs
- Commercial attractiveness
Expansion strategies
- Logistic restriction
- Understand your business
- Geographic DNA