Mapfry Team
Jan 7, 2025
Who else uses Geomarketing

Mapfry allows anyone to create and share maps with rich data.

Everyone can and should try it, but there are professionals who experience more situations where Geomarketing is important. They are:

Expansion Analysts

Expansion Analysts live and breathe Geomarketing, their role is to evaluate investment opportunities for their companies. For them, Mapfry is a flexible market analysis tool, with secure data and validated methodologies.


Young professionals specialized in the analysis of territories explore Geomarketing as a career path.

Marketing, Administration and Business

A good business strategy balances aspects such as:


Operational efficiency, whether in inventory formation, storage and distribution, or reverse logistics (fetching something from the customer's home).

In these cases, Geomarketing provides an overview of the whole, indicating areas with low cost and good access to activities with low added value, such as warehousing and areas with high potential for points of sale or advanced logistics.

Offers and the appropriateness of the marketing message, understanding the target audience profile well is essential for the greatest sales appeal. Get it right on Price, Product and Promotion, understanding everything about the Square Party.

Mergers and Acquisitions, combining the two previous aspects, you will have a complete understanding of the operational and commercial structure of the businesses you evaluate, understanding where the best leverage points are.


These true gurus, with extensive experience in various businesses and working independently, find in Mapfry a solution that varies according to their demands and also offers powerful collaboration and presentation features.

Developers, Architects and Real Estate Agents

Those who work in the real estate market must decide which parts of the city to invest in, being challenged to think years ahead, anticipate trends and guarantee successful launches.

Architects are aware of their social role and seek to understand the growth vectors of a city and the public of a region. Reading the urban space is essential for each project to integrate with the new ways of living and inhabiting.

Real estate agents have the challenge of explaining to their clients the size of the opportunity that each property represents. For them, Mapfry is a simple solution that increases their reasoning power in a negotiation and differentiates them.

Entrepreneurs and Merchants

For entrepreneurs who know that they are on their own in their challenges of increasing sales, getting marketing right, buying well, forming adequate stocks, Mapfry is a friendly and objective solution, with secure data and validated methodologies.

Executives and Entrepreneurs

Who arrived there doing well to avoid having to do it twice.

They demand a lot from themselves and from the teams, and they find in Mapfry a solution with solid data that allows us to understand opportunities in a collaborative and objective way.

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