This is the last article in the 2020 series that began with the Chain reactions resulting from the crisis can directly affect the economy of neighborhoods (SP), where we deal with the migration of demand from commercial to residential neighborhoods due to social distancing policies, but especially of Home office prolonged adoption by leaders such as NuBank, XP Inc, Coca-Cola, Google, Twitter, Facebook.
With repercussions in the National Journal: Pandemic changes the business map in large cities.
Next, we point out the new geographies that are being created in the article. Using Villa XP to talk about cities.
In it, we discuss the use of space as a permanent competitive advantage in dispute with BTG over Autonomous Agents and the creation of thematic sub-centers in the orbit of Greater São Paulo.
Here we close with the final vision of the productive space with Faria Lima as a reference. From Faria Limer County with tips of 100 reais at the epicenter of the new Creative Class.
Just as the Middle Class derived from the Industrial Revolution, which relegated physical effort to machines, the Creative Class is the result of the Information Revolution, which transferred intellectual effort to machines.
The expected reduction in office occupancy by large companies not necessarily It unfolds in the emptying of the region, since it is a business address coveted by different segments.
The ability of the financial sector to pay higher salaries is also reflected in the demand for more expensive rents in buildings triple A.
That is why this tribe was concentrated in the region and although the vest gang will remain in Faria Lima, a reduction in their predominance is expected.
New Kids on the Block
Combined effects of projects such as financial suburb of São Roque, with the partial use of offices, open space for segments such as Technology, Health, Media and Communication to become part of the financiers.
Everyone is looking for this decision center, with its refined atmosphere and its business-generating power.
The future is promising for Faria Lima
Just as pedigreed dogs are more prone to diseases and the imbalance caused by agricultural monocultures leads to pests, the homogeneous space is also more fragile. This diversity will be good for the Faria Lima region, blending more lifestyles and proposing new worldviews.
The diversity, whatever its nature, generated by cities, is based on the fact that so many people are so close to each other and add such a variety of tastes, abilities, needs, products and vibrant ideas
Jane Jacobs — The Economy of Cities
The final composition of the post-pandemic productive space is one of diversity in the center with specialization in the periphery.
The wave of themed suburbs will begin
Thus, we can wait for projects from sub-centers specialized in Health, others in Technology, as well as Media and Communication.
The São Paulo Mega Region is designed, an immense territory with its productive capacity distributed over several orbital cities, in a thematic fragmentation organized under the hierarchy of Faria Lima.
Recommended reading to understand this economic space in formation: