Wow, our journey that began at the beginning of time finally reaches the present day.
Of the first prehistoric maps built based on the narratives of the hunters, including paper versions, Pela computing, reaching Current times.
Nowadays, more than simply online, geographic information systems coexist with new technologies such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
The Startup ecosystem, which combines an environment of radical innovation with investment funds, promises new revolutions in the world of Geomarketing.
These promises point in many directions, including:
Super robust systems aimed at high volumes of data;
Contextual analysis and action recommendation algorithms;
Collaboration between distributed teams;
Simplicity and democratization.
As a result of combining some of these directions with others, new companies are emerging in the Geomarketing segment.
Especially their new geographical distribution, which breaks with the historic concentration in São Paulo.
In common, they have presented lighter and less expensive solutions than the previous ones.
Neurotech - Recife company that has various geographical information in its Neurolake.
Economaps - a company from Rio de Janeiro-RJ that offers cost-balanced packages, attracting customers with more expensive solutions.
SpaceHunters - a company from Porto Alegre-RS that combines consulting with an online database.
Mapfry - São Paulo-based company comprised of professionals and teachers with extensive experience in the segment, focusing on collaboration and democratization of Geomarketing.
Learn more about Mapfry
About us
Mapfry advantages
Geomarketing is about telling stories
Consulting projects using Mapfry
Understand the Professional plan
Other articles in this series:
The evolution of Space Intelligence
Geomarketing and Geographic Information Systems
Geomarketing at the turn of the millennium