Are you looking for Geomarketing software?
We're glad you made it this far.
It certainly wasn't easy, not least because few people know what a Geomarketing system is and what it's for, so you're way ahead of most people.
It is quite common for people to want more information about Commercial Points or Retail Expansion, but then to know that a Geomarketing system solves this type of problem is a leap.
Another path that leads many people to the search for Geomarketing systems is when a competitor is already making use of such a solution.
After all, no one wants to be left behind in knowledge about how to find the next customer.
Geomarketing helps companies and entrepreneurs to understand more about the profile of a region, combining reliable data with digital maps.
To help you out, let's list here some market solutions and what we know about them.
⚠️ This is our perspective, if there is an interest in forming your own opinion, we recommend that you contact the mentioned suppliers.

Initial tools
Google Maps and Google Earth
These are earth observation tools (Google Earth) and a map with points of interest (Google Maps).
They're good to start with, but everyone has access and relying on them alone doesn't provide a competitive advantage.
You need to know more about each place.
IBGE Overview
Interactive resources with data from the 2022 Census, at the municipal scale, which are well suited to those who want an overview of the preliminary results.

It can be used for studies of the distribution of customer locations on maps.
Market data and richer visualizations are lacking.
If your challenge involves only mapping analysis, this tool will serve you well.
PowerBI + Bing
The combination of these from the BI system with the Microsoft map allows good analyses, provided that you have all the necessary data for your analysis with you.

Very powerful and free, you can do a lot with it if you can dedicate a few months or years to mastering it.
Another problem is the lack of reliable data, and it is up to you to collect the information or purchase some ready-made basis.
Specialized tools
The real estate market makes large investments in land and buildings, requiring a lot of Geomarketing analysis, so much so that there is a group of tools fully dedicated to this segment.
A Brain it is among the leading research firms for the real estate market and has a rich information base on launched properties.
This database can be accessed directly on the GeoBrain platform.
Serving the metropolitan region of São Paulo, this rich tool combines several essential information for land purchase and property launch decisions.
Now part of the Zap Real Estate Group, this tool provides aggregated information about the real estate market and the profile of residents in a region.
Geomarketing, how much does it cost?
Now we have arrived at the tools more focused on Geomarketing studies, solutions that combine data in maps with design and spatial analysis resources.
Platform with the largest user base on the way to market leadership.
We offer a completely free service.
In this plan, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the tool without the time pressure typical of test periods.
The plans are individual, cover the whole of Brazil and are organized by volume logic and available content.
On the plane staff it is possible to reserve a project as Private, preserving sensitive analyses.
This plan includes Complete Demography, data on the population and households, including Average Household Income and Total Income of the regions.
The mapping limits are wide, designed to suit those who study one or two regions well.
As for the plan Pro it was designed for those who carry out Geomarketing studies continuously, so the limits are more generous and all Projects can be kept in Private mode.
Thus ensuring that strategic studies are restricted to decision makers.
In this plan, you can find Advanced Demography, which adds to the Complete Demography data and strategic information on Consumer Potential and the Flow of People on the roads.
There is also a plan aimed at companies, which includes Professional Teams in a single account with extra project collaboration and publishing features.
Learn a little more about Mapfry Plans
Platform that grew by offering a trial period.
The plans reported on the site vary by coverage area, number of users and contract period. They no longer disclose their prices, which are under consultation.
The combination of trial period and less abusive pricing made it popular with clients who could not or did not want to pay so dearly for a solution and tolerated their lack of experience in Geomarketing.
On the other hand, its pricing structure is complex, with usage limits controlled by credits and a curious isochronous module, a feature that is available in the free version of Mapfry.
Its position is a market follower, seeking to emulate solutions and offers in generic versions.
Mapfry's superior design and usability increase the pressure to update and reorganize their packages, perhaps once again posting their prices on the site.
It is part of first generation of Geomarketing consultancies and developed a recognized tool, with large companies among its clients.
Its pricing policy is not public, But a reference was published in an article in the newspaper O Globo in January 2021.
According to proposals submitted by clients, the prices currently charged are slightly below the levels reported in 2021.
A sign that they are having to align the price with the delivery of value, which has changed little in recent years.
Its main solution is complete and complex, with several modules, versions and segments, and it is common to offer training and intensify service in the first weeks of the contract in order to prevent customers from being discouraged.
Recently released changes indicate that the transformations brought about by Mapfry are influencing the new versions of this old system.
Mapfry's approach is completely different.
Our interface is more modern and simple, allowing many to learn on their own or just by following some videos.
This makes our training sessions less dedicated to teaching the commands for each analysis and more focused on discussing solutions to clients' business challenges.
This simplicity also translates into more speed and much lower costs, which allows us to offer plans for 10x more affordable prices, and there is even a free plan.
It was also part of first generation of Geomarketing consultancies who developed online tools.
It was dominant until the end of 2012, and from then on its solution became outdated, subject to several episodes of slowness and unavailability.
The solution's architecture, largely based on Google APIs, facilitated some features but hampered others, which imposed high costs that reduced its competitiveness.
The investments made in the attempt to renew it proved to be insufficient and we are mentioning its existence more because of the respect we have for the role it once occupied than because of its current relevance.
It began under the name of SIGA Geomarketing, later changed to Datlo, a contraction of Data-Location.
It attracted a lot of attention when it was selected by YCombinator And when did you announce investments from the Saudi fund Daal.
In 2023, it updated its brand to a black typographic version on a white background, in the style that awarded the Mapfry brand in 2021 Latin American Design Awards.
For a long time it avoided showing off its platform, for understandable reasons, until they migrated to CARTO stack, which gave them access to more modern technology.
The CARTO stack was used by Mapfry in 2019-2020, while our main platform was under development.
At the time, it became clear to us that if we were to follow this path, we would have to work with large companies on higher-value contracts.
As Mapfry's focus is on bringing Geomarketing to more audiences, we understand that it would be essential to have full control of the solution.
Now you have a complete overview of available solutions and can find the one that best meets your objectives.
Learn how to create a free Mapfry account