Do you have a business and want to know how Geomarketing can help you grow?
The first thing to do is estimate your customer attraction area, also known as the Area of Influence, which is the space where most of them come from.
Ideally, companies upload the customer address book to build a blob on the map or a heat map.
But we know that customer address information isn't always available.
Then you can use a more generic parameter, which is part of the performance scale of your type of business.
See this explanation on the link and understand more about how the Area of Influence varies depending on the size of your business.
In general, small businesses will operate at the first levels of attraction, within two or three kilometers of radius.
The use of the radius can be further improved, considering the travel time by the most common means used by your clients, whether on foot, by bike or by car.
Knowing your area of attraction, Geomarketing is much easier, because within that region you can concentrate more resources on promoting your business.
Local companies often neglect the potential of Geomarketing and end up dispersing their promotion efforts across large regions, where their return is lower.
It's time to rethink how you market to your target audience.
With Geomarketing, you understand the most important factors related to the region where you make most of your sales.
That's why it's considered such a powerful tool for small and medium-sized businesses.
Our maps make Geomarketing super easy, not only for specialists, but for anyone who wants to understand how to sell more in their region of operation.
It took a few years for Geomarketing to reach small companies, and for a long time this was exclusive to large companies.
Take advantage of this moment and create your first project on Public plan, a completely free service offered by Mapfry.