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Have you ever imagined living in a place where all people are the same?
This desperate scenario has given rise to many series, such as Desperate Housewives, which took place in a neighborhood in the United States where people had the same age group, family structure, and equivalent income.
A place so homogenous that people felt obliged to hide their differences, hence all the tension explored by the series in its eight seasons and many awards.
Even if you have a store that serves a region of this type, such as a gated community, you must have that knowledge very clear.
But most of the time, you will be faced with a diverse neighborhood and it will be essential to understand its compounds.
This type of analysis is fundamental for sales growth strategies, with increased relevance in communication messages, in the formulation of promotional kits, and even in price and discount policies.
Project presentation (1h)
The consultant will make a conceptual presentation of Geomarketing and how it is used to identify consumer profiles.
Client-consultant alignment (2 hours)
Clear and sincere explanation of expectations regarding segmentation.
Presentation of references from other projects where segmentation was used for successful strategies.
- Location of stores and their sales performance
- Customer addresses and their purchase volume (if any)
Development (6 hours)
The consultant will examine the information collected and seek the standards of success.
In the first part, you will study the benchmarks for good performance, then you will find out which segments are most present and where sales are doing well.
Publication of three studies:
- Target segments, group of consumers more aligned with the positioning of the network
- Near-to-target segments, group of consumers who could buy online if some adjustments were made
- Off-target segments, groups of consumers present in the environment but that are not reachable by the positioning of the network
Alignment with the client (2 hours)
Debate about the main findings and definition of paths to follow.
Defining ways to take to:
- Deepen presence in target segments
- Conquer near-target segments
Refinement (4 hours)
Development and publication of a last study, now pointing out the best ways to conquer the identified segments.
Final presentation (1h)
After this journey, the consultant will present the complete cycle of analysis, learning and conclusion.
This presentation may be recorded for consultation and subsequent dissemination.
Additional content
The importance of Geomarketing