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Main Geomarketing Challenges

High cost

Although initially expensive, Geomarketing was always worth what it cost because of its positive effect on market gains.

After the arrival of Mapfry and its affordable and transparent pricing policy, the other platforms started to charge more reasonable prices.

Complexity in the operation

Classic platforms are more oriented to functionality than usability, prioritizing more resources to the detriment of a cohesive logic of use.

For many analysts, this complexity is justified by allowing for deeper analysis and more personalized insights.

Well, for this reason, users who master the most complex platforms end up acting in niche markets.

Dependency on quality data

Some people think that setting up a geodemographic base is as simple as “going to the IBGE website and getting the data”.

The representativeness and consistency of these data depends on various geographical, spatial, statistical and demographic treatments.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain the continuous update of databases to maintain competitiveness.

All of this requires a constant effort and technological updates for the best delivery of information.

Geographic Coverage

Some platforms offer plans with coverage limited to municipalities or states.

Since Mapfry started offering relevant information in its free plan, which covers the whole of Brazil, this model has been outdated and is tending to end.

Incorrect analysis

The importance of data interpretation leads to the hiring of specialists who can guide and qualify other professionals, strengthening the company's analytical capacity.

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