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Why does Mapfry exist?

Mapfry makes it easier to assess and communicate the potential of a market.

With it, it is possible to visualize areas of concentration of opportunity and the presence of competitors.

That's without the hassle of aggregating data from various sources, participating in hours of training, which only make sense if you can dedicate even more time to learning the confusing logic of the interface.

But that's not exactly why we decided to start Mapfry.

This story begins with a kind of professional hangover after more than 15 years of dedication to Geomarketing.

The year was 2019, we had participated in several projects and, at that time, they had all been frustrating in some way.

Even after decades of publications, congresses, and reports, Geomarketing remained closed.

As teachers, we witnessed students' enchantment with the topic, as well as the consequent frustration with the reality of the labor market.

To operate in this segment would be to submit to the dominant company.

While expansion executives felt envy to have access to such a company's system, professionals of a new generation completely rejected this subordinate role.

That's when we realized that our frustration was not with projects or companies, but with the dynamics of a market that put people in the background.

As in the song Citizen, by Zé Geraldo, those who worked to build were rejected at the end of construction.

We had encountered a problem big enough to solve.


This is the second article in this series, which has already been covered by:

Why are there so many Geomarketing platforms?

Next articles in the series:

How was Mapfry created?

Who can use Mapfry?

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