A good way to answer this question would be to think about the opposite, the consequences for a company that is conducted without market analysis.
In this state of ignorance, imagination will take the place of reality.
This is a sad but very common reality.
There is an expression in English for this imagination, HIPPO, acronym for “Highest Paid Person's Opinion”, Opinion of the person with the highest salary.
It represents situations in which no one knows anything about what is happening in the market, but each one gives their opinion without facts or data, until the most powerful person in the room speaks out and everyone agrees that this is the truth.
Market analysis is the opposite of this, in which we seek a clearer vision of reality.
In fact, no one here is recommending that you counter your bosses, especially without information.
On the other hand, be aware, companies that conduct themselves this way are easy prey for better-oriented competitors.
We know countless stories of large, well-situated companies that made mistakes due to a lack of sense of reality and were overtaken by smaller, more aware companies.
Market analysis is an essential ingredient for a company's growth.